In both slotted and pure ALOHA, a node's decision to transmit is made independently of the activity of the other nodes attached to the broadcast channel. In particular, a node neither pays attention to whether another node happens to be transmitting when it begins to transmit, nor stops transmitting if another node begins to interfere with its transmission. As humans, we have human protocols that allow allows us to not only behave with more civility, but also to decrease the amount of time spent "colliding" with each other in conversation and consequently increasing the amount of data we exchange in our conversations. Specifically, there are two important rules for polite human conversation:
- Listen before speaking: If someone else is speaking, wait until they are done. In the networking world, this is termed carrier sensing - a node listens to the channel before transmitting. If a frame from another node is currently being transmitted into the channel, a node then waits ("backs off") a random amount of time and then again senses the channel. If the channel is sensed to be idle, the node then begins frame transmission. Otherwise, the node waits another random amount of time and repeats this process.
- If someone else begins talking at the same time, stop talking. In the networking world, this is termed collision detection - a transmitting node listens to the channel while it is transmitting. If it detects that another node is transmitting an interfering frame, it stops transmitting and uses some protocol to determine when it should next attempt to transmit.
It is evident that the end-to-end channel propagation delay of a broadcast channel - the time it takes for a signal to propagate from one of the the channel to another - will play a crucial role in determining its performance. The longer this propagation delay, the larger the chance that a carrier-sensing node is not yet able to sense a transmission that has already begun at another node in the network.
CSMA- Carrier Sense Multiple Access
This is the simplest version CSMA protocol as described above. It does not specify any collision detection or handling. So collisions might and WILL occur and clearly then, this is not a very good protocol for large, load intensive networks.
So, we need an improvement over CSMA - this led to the development of CSMA/CD.CSMA/CD- CSMA with Collision Detection
In this protocol, while transmitting the data, the sender simultaneously tries to receive it. So, as soon as it detects a collision (it doesn't receive its own data) it stops transmitting. Thereafter, the node waits for some time interval before attempting to transmit again. Simply put, "listen while you talk". But, how long should one wait for the carrier to be freed? There are three schemes to handle this:
- 1-Persistent: In this scheme, transmission proceeds immediately if the carrier is idle. However, if the carrier is busy, then sender continues to sense the carrier until it becomes idle. The main problem here is that, if more than one transmitters are ready to send, a collision is GUARANTEED!!
- Non-Persistent: In this scheme, the broadcast channel is not monitored continuously. The sender polls it at random time intervals and transmits whenever the carrier is idle. This decreases the probability of collisions. But, it is not efficient in a low load situation, where number of collisions are anyway small. The problems it entails are:
- If back-off time is too long, the idle time of carrier is wasted in some sense
- It may result in long access delays
- P-Persistent: Even if a sender finds the carrier to be idle, it uses a probabilistic distribution to determine whether to transmit or not. Put simply, "toss a coin to decide". If the carrier is idle, then transmission takes place with a probability p and the sender waits with a probability 1-p. This scheme is a good tradeoff between the Non-persistent and 1-persistent schemes. So, for low load situations, p is high (example: 1-persistent); and for high load situations, p may be lower. Clearly, the value of p plays an important role in determining the performance of this protocol. Also the same p is likely to provide different performance at different loads.
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